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The Benefits of Flowers: How Flowers and Mood Interrelate

Published: Thursday 1 February 2024

The Benefits of Flowers: How Flowers and Mood Interrelate


We all want to better our mental health and wellbeing in whichever ways we can. Improving the ways we take care of ourselves, whether big or small, is often the principle behind all New Year’s resolutions. You may find yourself thriving already in implementing new changes to your everyday routine in order to improve your wellbeing. Or, you may find yourself not being able to keep up with sustaining these new habits that enrich your mental health. 

Regardless of where you find yourself, you can’t go wrong with investing in flowers for wellness to add to your spaces. Whether it’s at home, in the office, or both, read on to discover the power of flowers for feeling better and uplifting your mood. 

Why are Flowers Good for Mental Health

Flowers have a profound impact on mental health. As solidified by a Rutgers University study on the link between flowers and life satisfaction, they found "the presence of flowers triggers positive emotions, heightens feelings of general satisfaction, and favourably affects social behaviour in a way far beyond what was originally believed.”

The presence of flowers can lead to increased feelings of happiness and emotional well-being. This is due to their vibrant colours and appealing scents, which stimulate the senses of sight and smell in a way that can lift mood and reduce stress.

Moreover, flowers have a long-term positive effect on mood. Regular exposure to natural elements like flowers in the home or workplace has been linked to reduced feelings of anxiety and depression, and increased levels of creativity and productivity. The nurturing aspect of caring for plants, including flowers, also contributes to mental well-being. It provides a sense of accomplishment and a therapeutic outlet to redirect mental energy.

With this being said, you may suffer from flower allergies, which wouldn’t make them the wisest addition to your space. Plants are a great alternative to flowers that will allow you to reap similar mental health benefits, and artificial flowers will allow you to gain the visual pros of having flowers in your space. These options are great substitutes for receiving the  benefits of flowers, while not having to worry about breaking into sniffles.

Spread the Wellness Around 

Buying flowers for yourself is always a good idea. But why not gift the benefits of flowers? Flowers are universally popular gifts. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself how they are received? The same Rutgers University study has found the benefits of receiving flowers as gifts.They studied participants in the aftermath of receiving flowers as a gift. They found both men and women  “all express extraordinary delight and increase our social behaviour” when receiving flowers. The next time you gift flowers, you will have a more fuller understanding of just how much they will benefit the recipient, whether they realise it or not. 

Flowers for Wellness to Abound in the Year Ahead

Working towards a New Year's goal of increasing your mental wellbeing can seem lofty and at times unattainable. While of course there are multiple actions you need to increase wellbeing, adding flowers to your space is a great way to start. As we’ve seen, it is a way to not only beautify your space, but immerse yourself in the mental health benefits it can bring. 



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